Take-over of foundry models and technical documentation of the company
“MPR Industries”, based in France
MAPRO® International SpA, a company specialized in the manufacture of machines that compress air and gas, such as rotary vane compressors and vacuum pumps – multistage centrifugal blowers and exhausters – side channel blowers and exhausters – rotary lobe blowers and exhausters – centrifugal fans, informs which in April 2019 purchased all the foundry models and all the technical documents relating to the vacuum pumps and rotary vane compressors manufactured by the French company MPR Industries, based in Tremblay-en-France, which ceased its activity in 2018.
Thanks to this operation, MAPRO® now has the possibility to supply all the products and spare parts previously supplied by MPR Industries, updated with the most modern technologies.
MAPRO® can boast hundreds of installations of rotary vane compressors and vacuum pumps all over the world and, also thanks to this take-over, has one of the most extensive technical knowledge on the market regarding “rotary vane compressors and vacuum pumps” for air and technical gases such as, for example, methane, butane, propane, ethylene, hydrogen, for biological gases (biogas), for gas mixtures from industrial processes, etc.
The Management of MAPRO® International S.p.A.